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  • Angela Louie; images Allan de la Plante

Wild Horses

Did you know that Allan was having an affair? I happened upon it accidentally. I knew he had been taking carrots from the fridge when he left for his rendezvous on the weekends. But it wasn’t until he brought me to the stable one day that I met the object of his affections. Smiley had won his heart and he wanted me to meet her.

To be honest, Allan wasn’t the only one who secretly held a candle for another. I had fallen head over heels in Iceland with one who had long flowing hair. I understood the attraction.

It wasn’t a surprise when Allan suggested visiting some Facebook friends who bred horses in Armstrong. The best thing was we would see 7 babies! They were so curious and cute I almost forgot where I was stepping. Seeing Cathy and Steen with their horses reminded me about how important it is to live the life we love.

Allan loved it. But was he satisfied? No. He wanted more. He wanted wild horses. He was not going to rest until he found them. And did he ever find them! At Area 27 he followed them up a mountain ridge where he hid behind a rock so he didn’t spook them.

At Apex Alpine, they were standing just 15 feet away from us, a whole herd! They stayed just long enough for Allan to catch his beauty shots.

Then they scattered up the mountain out of sight. Allan turned and walked toward the car with satisfaction on his face and a metaphoric cigarette in his hand.

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